Two sided online marketplace boilerplate using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB.

Marketplace Builder - Launch your marketplace MVP in days -not months

With this Next.js boilerplate, you have everything you need to build your marketplace quickly, so you can start generating revenue fast.

Or start by checking out this Demo.

0 makers build their marketplaces faster.

Speed Build Marketplace boilerplate

As seen on

Slash your workload

- and build your marketplace MVP quickly and efficiently.


2 hours saved


2 hours saved

Login and registration

5 hours saved


5 hours saved


1 day saved

All the rest

Weeks saved


Time Saved: 2 hours saved


  • Mongoose schemas
  • Create collections
  • Set up environment variables

Hi guys👋

I am Rasmus.

I have recently built ✌🏻 online marketplaces.

One was a marketplace for buying and selling podcast ads and the other one is a marketplace for buying and selling Moomin mugs. (Yes, these ones are actually quite popular in the Nordics 😄)

I realized that the most important thing is to get the MVP out as fast as possible, so you quickly discover if you can get buyers and sellers to connect.

That's why I built this boilerplate. It has definitely helped me, and I believe it could help you as well.

This is how it works:

Developers like it

Adi Wasturaka

Rasmus is a person of their word when it comes to support. I was getting responses back to the issue I filed within the hour. This provides conviction that they are not only providing great boilerplate to kickstart a marketplace, but also services alongside it.


Simple pricing

Save weeks of work setting everything up! Get started with this Next.js boilerplate! And build something like this Demo.Click to see a demo of what you can build

Lifetime access+ Lifetime updates

What’s included

  • Next.js boilerplate
  • SEO optimized
  • SendGrid emails
  • Stripe Connect integrated
  • MongoDB
  • Clerk Auth
  • Google & Facebook Oauth & Magic Links

Lifetime access | Lifetime updates


Get $100 off - for a limited time only

Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Send Rasmus an email and he will get back to you as soon as possible.

What exactly do I get with Speed Build Marketplace?
With Speed Build Marketplace, you get a fully functional online marketplace boilerplate which is needed to run an online marketplace. This means auth, database, payment, blog and ui components and much more are included. The repository is available in JavaScript and TypeScript. And the documentation will help you set everything up from scratch so you quickly can launch your marketplace MVP.
Can I use this if my tech stack is different?
Yes, you can still integrate it with different technologies. Libraries are independent.

If you want to use Mailgun instead of Sendgrid, LemonSqueezy instead of Stripe, or Postgres instead of MongoDB, for instance, it is possible.
Does it use the /app router or /pages router?
The /app router, which is leveraging the latest and recommended Next.js features for building modern applications.
Does it support JavaScript or TypeScript?
Speed Build Marketplace supports both JavaScript and TypeScript. You just choose once you get access.
Is this a website template?
It is not just a website template. It comes with all the necessary features to run an online two-sided marketplace.
Are there any additional costs associated?
Aside from Stripe transaction fees, there are no hidden costs. If you choose to use Vercel for hosting, you can host your project for free (frontend + backend). Also, MongoDB and Clerk for auth has free tiers.
How often is Speed Build Marketplace updated?
Updates are typically released every few months.
Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied?
When you get access to the repositories, Speed Build Marketplace is yours forever - so it can’t be refunded.

But be certain, that with the repos (JavaScript and TypeScript repos) you will be able to build your marketplace MVP much quicker than doing everything from scratch - saving you weeks if not months.